Biscuits and  Gravy and Other Fine Foods

These web pages started out as a project to meet some basic needs.  First of all, just to try my hand at creating a web page, secondly to provide a way to display items I had for sale on Ebay and finally to offer my opinions on a variety of foods which I enjoy.

Of course, like Topsy "it just grew." Now the Ebay stuff has been dropped, a family section with photos has been added, and a growing section with Morgantown (WVa)  High School alumni has been added with lots and lots of photos...along the way I have added music to some pages, pages of web comics,  and there is bound to be more.

In the interests of streamlining the navigation of this site, I decided to redo the whole thing so that this first page serves only as an introduction to the rest of the site. Click the links below to visit the rest of the site.

Biscuits and Gravy and other fine foods
Personal Info and Family Photos
Morgantown High School Alumni Info and Photos
Class of 71 Reunion
Other Photos
Web Comics
Links- -Places I Like