A good general purpose web site with useful links to other useful places around the internet.
Can be used as an opening page with a choice of animals or girls in bikinis.
If you're into forest fires, you get a daily situation report during the fire season for all the major fires burning in the US. Requires Acrobat Reader 4.0 available there.
A good multi-option humor page with the opportunity to select a variety of daily jokes emailed to your mailbox.
Humor of an adult orientation...if you are interested check out the Biker Babe of the Day
The place to keep in mind when desperate for money..."Hope springs eternal"
Daily $10,000 prize, 30 weekly $1000 winners, monthly $1,000,000 prize, annual $10,000,000 but I haven't won a dern thing yet!
Best search engine I've found yet.